Our Next Generation - The Superpod of the Future
Left to Right: Fiona, Hollister, Sarah, MIchelle, Alexa, and London (top) I was thrilled to attend Superpod 4 last month. The annual...

New Class-Action Lawsuit Filed Against SeaWorld
Today, Hagens-Berman filed a ground-breaking class-action lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California on...

SeaWorld's New Ad Campaign, Same Tired Story
On Monday, SeaWorld launched a new ad campaign answering commonly asked questions. One question in particular that has grabbed readers’...

An Open Letter to Artists Playing at SeaWorld
UPDATED 3/16/15 I hear that you are going to be playing at SeaWorld’s Bands, Brew and BBQ this weekend. I’m sure you are aware of the...

SeaWorld's Downward Spiral Continues as 4th Quarter and Annual Earnings for 2014 Announced
Earlier today, SeaWorld announced their dismal 4th quarter and annual earnings for 2014. For the full year of 2014, the company generated...

SeaWorld's New Gimmick at Dolphin Cove
SeaWorld Orlando announced yesterday that guests will no longer be able to feed dolphins at Dolphin Cove, a tradition that has spanned...

SeaWorld Takes to Chinese Social Media Amid New Orca Shows
Activists in China are primed for protest. This week, China Dialogue reported that China's first performance of killer whales will be...

Where Will the Whales Go?
SeaWorld and Miami Seaquarium find themselves at a crossroads at the beginning of 2015. Public opinion has been swayed in the past couple...
TAKE ACTION After Another Orca Birth at SeaWorld
Yesterday, SeaWorld posted a video of Kalia giving birth to another Blackfish baby in captivity at SeaWorld San Diego. While the park...

SeaWorld Tries, and Fails, to Improve Their Image
Just another day at the office? SeaWorld is desperate. Last week, the park reported dismal 3rd quarter earnings. Orlando’s WESH 2 put...