Miami Seaquarium To Be Sued Over Violating the ESA For Orca Cruelty
A press release originally from Animal Legal Defense Fund states: For immediate release: Contact: Megan Backus, ALDF David Pearle, PETA...

J Pod Welcomes Third Calf
Photo by Capt. Jim Maya of Maya's Legacy Whale Watching Crews of the Pacific Whale Watching Association reported the sighting of a new...

Group Issues Notice of Intent to Prevent "Swim-With" Manatee Programs
Photo of manatees uninterrupted at Blue Spring State Park On Monday, PEER (Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility) filed a...

Massive Manatee Rescue in Satellite Beach
Photo credit: WKMG-TV Last night, officials from Florida Wildlife Commission (FWC), SeaWorld Orlando and Satellite Beach Fire Department...

Another New Baby for Southern Resident J Pod
Photo by Traci Walter Photography After spending two weeks away, J pod returned to the interior waters of the Salish Sea to show off a...

A Big Day for Lolita, Now Included in Endangered Species Ruling of Southern Resident Killer Whales
Today, NOAA Fisheries made a ground-breaking decision to include Lolita into the Endangered Species Act listing of Southern Resident...

Almost All Doubt Gone That Slick J16 Is Mother to Southern Resident Calf J50
Center for Whale Research has made the official determination that Slick, J16, is indeed the mother of new Southern Resident Killer Whale...

Special Manatee Released For a Second Time With a Companion
A loveable manatee with a challenging past has been returned back to the wild for a second time. Tuesday, Pixie the manatee was released...

Are Satellite Tags Helpful or Harmful for Southern Resident Killer Whales?
On December 28, 2014, Blackberry J27 was tagged by NOAA’s North West Fisheries Science Center (NWFSC). Blackberry is an adult male...

New Southern Resident Calf Identified as a Female
Yesterday, the Center for Whale Research confirmed the sex of the new Southern Resident Killer Whale. It's a girl! Photo by J. Cogan,...