Another New Baby for Southern Resident J Pod
Photo by Traci Walter Photography After spending two weeks away, J pod returned to the interior waters of the Salish Sea to show off a...

Washington Senate Introduces Preemptive Ban Against Cetacean Captivity
Photo courtesy of Christine Caruso On Thursday, the Washington Senate introduced a bill (SB5666) which would preemptively prohibit...

Why is Ocean Park Hong Kong Partnering with India?
Photo of protesters at Empty the Tanks, Ocean Park Hong Kong Ocean Advocate News was recently contacted by Zoe Ng, a Hong Kong native who...

Germany's Doris Thomas: Artist and Writer for Cetacean Freedom
Ocean Advocate News would like to introduce you to Doris Thomas. Doris is a German author, artist and activist against whaling and...

New Southern Resident Calf Identified as a Female
Yesterday, the Center for Whale Research confirmed the sex of the new Southern Resident Killer Whale. It's a girl! Photo by J. Cogan,...

New Southern Resident Killer Whale Birth Surrounded in Mystery
Orca enthusiasts were flapping their flukes when they heard confirmation from Center for Whale Research last Tuesday of a new member of...

Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtles Rehabbed All Over Florida
Last week, the Associated Press reported that 193 Kemp’s Ridley sea turtles that stranded near Cape Cod will be shipped to Florida. These...

Conservation Groups File Lawsuit for Sea Turtle Protection
According to the Associated Press, SARASOTA, Fla. – Several conservation groups filed lawsuit against the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service...

Ocean Walls – Captivating People, Keeping the Wild Free
Ocean Walls, which debuts November 8 at Victoria’s Hillside Centre, will open a window into the Pacific Ocean without stepping outside to...

The Faces of San Juan Island – John Boyd
John, or JB as he is known by some, grew up in the 60s and loved watching the TV show “Flipper”. He was jealous of Bud & Sandy hanging...