Remembering Granny
For those familiar with the Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKWs) of the Pacific Northwest, Granny was a hero. Granny, also known as...

Powerful Voices Join the Call to Retire Lolita After 45 Years in Captivity
This has been a busy week for Lolita, the last Southern Resident Killer Whale in captivity at Miami Seaquarium. Last week, PETA released...

Our Next Generation - The Superpod of the Future
Left to Right: Fiona, Hollister, Sarah, MIchelle, Alexa, and London (top) I was thrilled to attend Superpod 4 last month. The annual...

J Pod Welcomes Third Calf
Photo by Capt. Jim Maya of Maya's Legacy Whale Watching Crews of the Pacific Whale Watching Association reported the sighting of a new...

Another New Baby for Southern Resident J Pod
Photo by Traci Walter Photography After spending two weeks away, J pod returned to the interior waters of the Salish Sea to show off a...

Washington Cetacean Bill Moves to the House
Earlier this month the Washington Senate introduced a preemptive bill to ban cetacean captivity in the state. S5666 would prohibit the...

Washington Senate Introduces Preemptive Ban Against Cetacean Captivity
Photo courtesy of Christine Caruso On Thursday, the Washington Senate introduced a bill (SB5666) which would preemptively prohibit...

A Big Day for Lolita, Now Included in Endangered Species Ruling of Southern Resident Killer Whales
Today, NOAA Fisheries made a ground-breaking decision to include Lolita into the Endangered Species Act listing of Southern Resident...

Almost All Doubt Gone That Slick J16 Is Mother to Southern Resident Calf J50
Center for Whale Research has made the official determination that Slick, J16, is indeed the mother of new Southern Resident Killer Whale...