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Update on Tilikum 3.12.16

It has been 4 days since SeaWorld announced Tilikum’s failing health, and he is still being kept in the med pool. He has been there for the last 9 days at least, mainly staring at the bars of the gate.

The med pool is the under the tiny white tarp on the bottom right. Image by Heather Murphy/OceanAdvocate News

This photo was taken May 2014. It is being shared here to show just how small the med pool is where Tilikum has been spending the last 9 days.

Image by Heather Murphy/Ocean Advocate News

Before the first show, trainers were swimming in the pool in front and beside him. It almost seemed like a tease. Cruelty.

Image by Heather Murphy/Ocean Advocate News

I am not a vet or a scientist, but I have spent hours/years observing Tilikum. There were a few slight changes today from Tuesday. In general he is logging slightly lower in the water. There were times that he would sink down out of view and there were other times when he would raise his head out of the water. I have never observed him do either of these before. He also did a couple laps in the med pool, one during the splash segment of the show and one when the show was over.

I also observed trainers bringing out a bucket for him, but I did not see him open his mouth. Again, it is hard to say for sure, but he is possibly refusing food.

Image by Heather Murphy/Ocean Advocate News

Today was also Malia’s 9th birthday, so SeaWorld made an announcement at the beginning of the second show. To celebrate, trainers poured buckets of water on her and gave her ONE salmon. She has an obvious new mark in front of her left eye as well. Poor Malia has spent 9 years in that sterile environment, never knowing what it feels like to be free.

Image by Heather Murphy/Ocean Advocate News

It is difficult to say for sure what Tilikum's current state is but my guess is that he is slowly continuing to decline. I can only hope that he goes quickly and doesn't suffer. He has suffered enough.

All photographs © Heather Murphy / Ocean Advocate News

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