Tilikum appears to be improving 3.20.16
It has been 12 days since SeaWorld’s announcement that Tilikum, their star killer whale, was experiencing failing health. His future looked bleak at the time of the announcement.
Today Ocean Advocate News saw a very different Tilikum. While he was still being kept in the med pool he was much more active. In fact, he was more active than he has been seen in healthy times. A number of SeaWorld staff including trainers, educators and stadium workers all report that he is being put into “E” pool, an adjacent pool to the med pool, in between shows. While that was not seen today, Tilikum was seen waiting near the gate to possibly get into that pool.

Images by Heather Murphy/OceanAdvocate News
He was given a “toy” but he was not interested.

Image by Heather Murphy/OceanAdvocate News
There are mixed feelings with Tilikum’s improvement. Part of me wanted his suffering to be over once and for all. Whether he is ill or not, he still suffers with a poor quality of life in that tiny tank. The other part of me is happy that he has improved, but I hope he truly is able to go into other areas besides the tiny med pool.

Tilikum swimming Image by Heather Murphy/OceanAdvocate News
It is amazing that he has displayed such a strong will to live for all these years, and it seems that he is still not ready to give up yet.
All photographs © Heather Murphy / Ocean Advocate News
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